Click on the Skin Name to change the banner look & feel and Click on Effect Name to see it’s behavior.
What You Get
PureGallery Skin
Straightforward gallery
Elegant Skin
Beauty in its fullness
Easy Skin
Lightweight and quick
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 3 predefined skins
- 16 photo transition effects
- Animated text from any direction: top, bottom, left and right. CSS and HTML formated
- it supports links for each image with target parameter for _self or _blank
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- randomize images parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide thumbs in playlist parameter
- playlist width parameter
- border width parameter
- border color parameter
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
All In One Slider WP Plugin is included in The Most Wanted WordPress Plugins Pack
It allows you to easily create powerful sliders with animated text using HTML standard tags,
making the slider very easy to setup and maintain.
Touch Screen Navigation
Compatible with IOS and Android mobile devices.
Layered Elements
Permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
16 Photo Transition Effects
From fade to random blocks, from stripes to slides and many other combinations.
Responsive Design
The sider is fully responsive, including images and texts. It is responsive for both fixed dimensions or full width
We have in our portfolio the following products: jQuery Sliders, WordPress Sliders, CountDowns, Full Screen Video and Image Backgrounds, Music Players, Video Players. Choose useful components for your projects.